Roe v. Wade, America’s Most Unconstitutional Law

Roe v. Wade, America’s Most Unconstitutional Law

            The court case of Jane Roe vs. Henry Wade could be considered as the most unconstitutional case ever reaching the supreme court. Jane Roe, whose real name was Norma McCorvey, wanted an abortion. She claimed to have been attacked by a gang in Georgia, and she wanted to not be responsible to have the child from the attack. Years after the court case she appeared on the channel ABC for an interview. When asked if this is actually how she got pregnant, she admitted that the information for the pregnancy of “Jane Roe” was not accurate. This proves that the law allowing millions of children to die each year was brought about by lies. The estimated number for the number of children that die each day in the United States due to abortion is 3,000. That means that about1,095,000 children die each year in the United States alone. (How)

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