The Effects of Abortion on Our Society
By Veronica
![Brother and Sister](
It was a crisp, clear January morning, the first week of the New Year. The cool air brought about by the mild winter made for a pleasant start for the new workday. Two Department of Public Works workers from Milford, Massachusetts set off in their garbage truck to collect trash going along their usual route. Halfway through with their daily routine, the men made a horrific discovery; one that would strike the state with tragedy and remorse. They discovered the body of a newborn infant, disgracefully thrown amidst bags of garbage. Police officials were notified and the horrified town was, in a state of astonishment and shock. This terrible incident was reported as the first death of the New Year, 2007.
This was indeed a depressing start to the New Year. Unfortunately this was to be the first of many infant fatalities of the year. For, it is a known fact that approximately 1.5 million unborn children are murdered every year through abortion in our country. The death of this one child found in the garbage truck had a mind-boggling effect on many at the beginning of the year. This makes us stop and consider what effects the death of 1.5 million innocent children will have on our declining society. We must stop and survey the political, moral and religious affects of abortion that are “…unraveling our American society.”
First and foremost we must realize the significant Religious consequences of abortion. Our Father, sent to us His only begotten Son who, through His cruel Passion, Death and glorious Resurrection endowed on every baptized human the right to be eternally happy with Him forever in Heaven. Through abortion we are audaciously denying innocent unborn children the right of baptism and therefore depriving them of the right to the eternal bliss of Heaven. The act of abortion not only deprives these helpless children of Heaven but it also puts into jeopardy the soul of every adult committing the mortal sin of abortion.
After considering the effects abortion has on the human soul, it is difficult for us to understand why the multitudinous number of abortions occurs. The demoralizing conclusion we are forced to come to is the lack of religious values held by many of those in America and all over the world today.
Out of His pure goodness Our Creator gave every human being the gift of reason. Every act or sin we humans commit that is contrary to our gift of reason causes a remorse of conscience on our part. Killing innocent unborn children is strictly against our human nature and therefore causes an unclean conscience which alone has many effects that are detrimental to any human. Among these are guilt, depression and regret. It is ironic to learn that in many abortion clinics there is a room frequently known as the “comfort” room. This room designed to “bring comfort” to mothers who have just murdered their children and is complete with teddy bears for the grieving women to hold in an attempt to bring consolation to their distressed souls. These now suffering women do not realize that the long road that lay ahead of them will be filled with tears and suffering for their sin. If abortion is not soon stopped our rich and beautiful country will become a nation inhabited by a depressed, angry and regretful society. Our citizens, who are putting their souls in a state of mortal sin, are depriving themselves of happiness in both this life and in the next.
In addition to religious values and moral standards, for the politically concerned individual, abortion also has a devastating effect in the political and economic world. The younger generation who work to keep our country functioning are important to our economy. Through abortion we are rapidly destroying this next generation and depleting our supply of workers. We are destroying the lives of those who were meant one day to do their part in honoring God and serving for the betterment of our country.
After considering the detrimental affects abortion has, and will have, on our society we realize that the reason for our country’s devastatingly high abortion rate comes down to one thing, selfishness. Selfishness, which is the seed of the devil, will lead our country into many other serious sins. We must actively pray for our country and for the innocent unborn, that they may have the chance to live the life God has planned for them just as we are given that same chance. We as Catholics must band together under the cross of Christ and fight the fierce battle for the precious gift of Life!